Masterpiece Athletes & Families
Athlete Masterpiece Special Message (Program Ad)
Include a special message in our Masterpiece Classic 2024 commemorative program from family and/or friends providing encouragement and support to your athlete as we celebrate her as a unique masterpiece - now and evolving - as she competes her compulsory routines and showcases her gymnastics skills with form, grace, power, and a beautiful spirit.
⅛ page = $25
¼ page = $45
½ page = $85
full page = $160
All ad purchases include a copy of the Masterpiece Classic 2024 commemorative program ($5 value). Your reserved program copy will be available at the Masterpiece Inspirations booth in the Artisan Fair. Your special message will also be posted on various monitors throughout the meet for all to see.
An invoice will be emailed to you with payment instructions. Payment must be received by 10/13/2024 in order for your special message to be included in our commemorative program.

Showcase your Masterpiece in our Art Gallery!
We warmly invite you to unleash your inner artist and create an art piece that will be proudly displayed for all to see in our Art Gallery!
Whether it’s a painting, drawing, canvas, sculpture, or any other form of art, the choice is entirely yours. The only guideline is that the piece should be limited to the size of 11x14 inches or smaller, granting you the creative freedom to share your expressions of the world, youth, dreams, and beauty.
But that’s not all – we’re eager to get to know the artist behind the masterpiece! When you contribute your artwork, please print and complete the ‘About the Artist’ card. Our art gallery visitors would love to learn more about you, including your:
Club Name
Gymnastics Level
“I am a Masterpiece because…” completed with the unique and special personal flair that you’re proud of.
You have the choice to either bring your artwork with you to your session or, if you prefer, you can mail it to us at Liberty Gymnastics, 2330 Bates Ave, Ste A, Concord, CA 94520. Please note that once you’ve contributed your artwork, it becomes a cherished part of our collection and will not be returned. Instead, your generous donation will be prominently displayed at our meets in the years to come, serving as a testament to your artistic talent and support of our gymnastics community.
However, if you’d prefer to simply loan your artwork and have it returned after the meet, please write ‘ON LOAN ONLY’ on the back of the ‘About the Artist’ card. We will be more than happy to mail it back to your club’s address on file. If you’d like it sent to a different address, please provide that address on the back of the card.
We wholeheartedly thank you for being a part of the Masterpiece Classic and for sharing not only your creativity but also a bit about yourself. We eagerly look forward to seeing your beautiful creations grace our Art Gallery, adding a rich layer of artistry and personal stories to our event.
Artisan Village
Visit the Masterpiece Classic Artisan Village, featuring a galleria full of products brought to you by Liberty artisans and a Concession Stand with foods and assorted snacks to satisfy our guests’ taste buds and hunger cravings. Our artisan vendors accept various forms of payment like cash, credit cards, Venmo, PayPal. Each participating athlete is also provided with Artisan Bucks that may be spent at any of the Artisan Fair vendor booths except the Concession Stand.
If you have any questions regarding any of the above features, please feel free to email masterpiece@libertygymtrainingcenter.com.